Python Musings

Exploring and understanding the internal workings of python


I have been writing Python for many years now, it is by far the most intuitive programming language I have used. However, every once in a while something seemingly obvious does not work as I’d expect.

In this post, I want to explore some of these gotchas and hopefully understand implementations in python better than I did before.

Pass by object reference

Consider the following functions

from typing import List
def modify(x:int):
    x+= 1

def modify_list(x:List):

The function modify takes in an integer x, modifies it in-place by adding 1. When I execute the following lines,



The value of x is unchanged although the operation we did was in-place.

However, when I run modify_list, the list is now updated.

x = [1,2,3]


When a mutable object like a list or a dictionary is passed to a function, it is passed by reference. If the object is modified, the change is reflected outside the function as well. When an immutable object like an integer or tuple is passed to a function, it is equivalent to passing by value.

def modify_list(x:List):
    x = [1,2]
x = [3,4]


Although we are re-assigning x, the x re-assigned in the functionTo learn more about python’s object reference, you can read this post on geeksforgeeks is in an entirely different memory location and its scope is only within the modify_list function.

Mutable default arguments

TL;DR - Do not use mutable objects as default arguments for a function.A post with a simpler example and a story of using mutable objects as a default argument in a function.

Consider the following implementation

from typing import Dict
class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self, val:str,children:Dict[str,"Node"]={}) -> None:
        self.val = val
        self.children = children

node_1 = TrieNode("a")
node_2 = TrieNode("b")

node_1.children["c"] = TrieNode("c")
print(node_1.children.keys()) # Expect [c]
print(node_2.children.keys()) # Expect [] but get [c]

Although node_1 and node_2 are separate instantiations of the class TrieNode, they share the children attribute. The children attribute for both instances point to the same memory location because of the mutable dictionary object as a default argument in __init__.

The correct implementation would be as follows.

from typing import Dict, Optional
class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self, val:str,children:Optional[Dict[str,"Node"]]=None) -> None:
        self.val = val
        if children:
            self.children = children
            self.children = {}

In this implementation, the children attribute is initialized inside the class, so for every instantiation of this class, the children will be saved in a separate location.

List implementation

In Python, a list is implemented as a dynamic array. A contiguous block of memory is initially assigned to a list. If the size of the list exceeds this size, a new block that is k times the original size is assigned where k > 1. Adding a new element to an array is a O(1) operation amortized. When an element added to the list causes the list size to increase, all the elements in the list need to be copied to this new block of memory making it a O(n) time complexity operation.

How are the elements of an list actually stored? Note that not all elements in an array need to be of the same type and eachFor example, a list like x = [1,2,3,"randomstring",5.3] is a valid list.element could take up different amounts of memory as in the example below.

import sys
x = [1,2,3]
x = [1,2,"Very long block of text"]


The result is the same in both cases, even though Very long block of text should take up more bytes that 3. That is because only the references (address of the memory location + offset) to the elements are stored in the list. It is not that all the elements in the list are stored in contiguous locations (like in C, C++ arrays), but their references are stored sequentially.