Hello, I'm Varun
I'm a Machine Learning Engineer with a focus on Computer Vision. I'm interested in self-supervised learning, leveraging unlabeled data to build scalable AI systems.
I'm currently on a sabbatical. Previously, I worked on the Machine Learning Data Engine team at Aurora Innovation . I worked on the Auto-Labeler to create accurate 3D point cloud labels and 2D image labels. I worked on the same product in 3 different companies as a result of multiple aquisitions! (Aurora, Uber ATG , Mighty AI). Before that, I worked on face recognition at Waldo Photos .
I got my Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Utah. During my Masters program, I worked on building a tool to classify snowflakes with Prof Tim Garrett .
This website was made using 11ty, Tufte CSS and eleventufte. All the figures were drawn using Excalidraw. This website was inspired by Tyler Romero's blog