Hello, I'm Varun

me I'm a Machine Learning Engineer with a focus on Computer Vision. I'm interested in self-supervised learning, leveraging unlabeled data to build scalable AI systems.

I'm currently on a sabbatical. Previously, I worked on the Machine Learning Data Engine team at Aurora Innovation . I worked on the Auto-Labeler to create accurate 3D point cloud labels and 2D image labels. I worked on the same product in 3 different companies as a result of multiple aquisitions! (Aurora, Uber ATG , Mighty AI). Before that, I worked on face recognition at Waldo Photos .

I got my Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Utah. During my Masters program, I worked on building a tool to classify snowflakes with Prof Tim Garrett .

You can contact me via email or LinkedIn.


This website was made using 11ty, Tufte CSS and eleventufte. All the figures were drawn using Excalidraw. This website was inspired by Tyler Romero's blog